Origin: Castilla La Mancha, Madrid
Cocido Madrileño is probably the most representative dish of Madrid's cuisine. Like many other Spanish dishes its origins were humble, being the popular classes those that first prepared it.
Cocido madrileño, as other Spanish food such as cocido montañés derived from the Jewish adafina; a stew made with lamb and chick peas. Cocido madrileño is a chickpea stew with different pork meat and sausages.
This stew goes back a long way, specially because it is the natural evolution of other dishes. Some historians say cocido madrileño evolved from a dish called olla podrida manchega, however it received its appellation madrileño (native from Madrid) during the 17th century.
However it first had to be accepted by the high classes and the Spanish Courts, and that happened at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th, when it left the menus of taverns and lowly eating houses and made its appearance in finer restaurants.
The chickpea was introduced in Spain many centuries ago, very likely by the Carthaginian, however the Spanish word for this legume is garbanzo, from the Mozarabic word arbanço.
Cocido madrileño itself derived from the Jewish adafina, similar to cholent. As its strictly forbidden to cook on sabbat, families would start cooking a similar stew on Friday (only with lamb or beef instead of pork). Many people believe that it was the Christian who introduced pork in the dish, however historians say that it was Jews that converted into Christianity to prove a point to the Inquisition.
Cocido madrileño was for many years one of the most consumed dishes in the Spanish capital and before the Spanish civil war it was considered as the most popular after callos a la madrileña, and it was included in menus of all kinds of establishments. Nowadays cocido madrileño is not so common and its a lot more pricey than at its lowly origins.
There are several Madrid restaurants that serve typical Spanish food, though it's more likely to find them in tourist routes.We recommend asking the locals for the best cocido madrileño, be sure to taste it!
Ingredients (6 portions=: